Chinese Values and Narratives: On Development and Environmental Impact Abroad

This report is a summary of research conducted in late 2020 into Chinese audiences and their perceptions about Chinese development and environmental impact abroad. It includes additional findings on the difficulties that local communities and NGOs in Sub-Saharan Africa can encounter when trying to approach Chinese entities to seek remedies. It includes additional findings on the difficulties that local communities and NGOs in Sub-Saharan Africa can encounter when trying to approach Chinese entities to seek remedies.

NMAP and CTEA undertook this research to better understand the beliefs and principles—what we call values—that influence decisions and actions made by Chinese stakeholders. These insights are intended to help advocates working in Guinea develop more effective language and storytelling when approaching Chinese stakeholders, or getting the attention of wider Chinese audiences. It’s our hope that the insights in this report strengthen the positions of NGOs and communities in Guinea when approaching Chinese audiences.

Ruoyu Chen

New Media Advocacy Project

Publication Date
September 27, 2021

Publication Type